Thursday, October 2, 2008

Plans change

So the plan for today was to get rid of my daughter and break out the sewing machine. So what did I do today? Not that. My 16 year old nephew is a Firefighter exsplorer and he need to be cpr certified and he asked me to go with him. It was a 6 hour class and so worth it. I learned infant ,child and adult cpr. The class was for heathcare provider so I got to learn more than you would in your average cpr class. I am now confedant that I can save my childs life if she stoped breathing. I recamend anyone who has children to become cpr certified. As far as my sewing goes I made a deal with the hubby to work on it on Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome you got to do that!! Sewing can wait... lol.